Create a new ports-arch user and group.
mkdir /var/portbuild/arch; cd /var/portbuild/arch
Create a new zfs filesystem:
zfs create -o mountpoint=/a/portbuild/arch a/portbuild/arch
Create a directory for buildlogs and errorlogs:
mkdir /dumpster/pointyhat/arch/archive
Note: It is possible that /dumpster/pointyhat will not have enough space. In that case, create the archive directory as /dumpster/pointyhat/arch/archive and symlink to that. (This needs to be sorted out.)
Create a link to the above for the webserver:
ln -s /dumpster/pointyhat/arch/archive archive
In the /var/portbuild/arch directory:
mkdir clients
Populate clients as usual.
mkdir loads
ln ../make.conf ./make.conf
Create an empty mlist file.
(Apparently no longer needed?) Create pnohang.arch.
Create a fresh portbuild.conf file from one of the ones for another architecture.
Create customized portbuild.machinename.conf files as appropriate.
cd .ssh && ssh-keygen
Edit the .ssh/config file for convenience in using ssh.
Make the private configuration directory:
mkdir /var/portbuild/conf/arch
In that directory: create any dotunnel.* scripts needed.
Tell qmanager about the arch:
python /var/portbuild/evil/qmanager/qclient add_acl name=ports-arch uidlist=ports-arch gidlist=portmgr sense=1
Edit /var/portbuild/scripts/buildenv.
Add the arch directory to /var/portbuild/scripts/zbackup and /var/portbuild/scripts/zexpire.
In the /var/portbuild/errorlogs/ directory, create one more link for the webserver:
ln -s ../arch/archive/buildlogs arch-buildlogs
For each branch that will be supported, do the following:
Kick-start the build for the branch with
build create arch branch
Only after the first time a dopackages has been run for the arch: add the arch to /var/portbuild/scripts/dopackagestats.
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