3 Mounting ZIP disks

To access the ZIP disk, you simply mount it like any other disk device. The file-system is represented as slice 4 on the device, so for SCSI or parallel ZIP disks, you would use:

# mount_msdos /dev/da1s4 /mnt

For IDE ZIP drives, use:

# mount_msdos /dev/ad1s4 /mnt

It will also be helpful to update /etc/fstab to make mounting easier. Add a line like the following, edited to suit your system:

/dev/da1s4  /zip msdos rw,noauto  0 0
and create the directory /zip.

Then, you can mount simply by typing

# mount /zip
and unmount by typing
# umount /zip

For more information on the format of /etc/fstab, see fstab(5).

You can also create a FreeBSD file-system on the ZIP disk using newfs(8). However, the disk will only be usable on a FreeBSD system, or perhaps a few other UNIX® clones that recognize FreeBSD file-systems. (Definitely not MS-DOS® or Windows®.)

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