6.2. Adding/Removing an official CVSup Mirror

A CVSup mirror is a replica of the official CVSup master that contains all the up-to-date source code for all the branches in the FreeBSD project, ports and documentation.

Adding an official CVSup mirror starts with the potential CVSup Mirror Site Admin installing the “cvsup-mirror” package. Having done this and updated the source code with a mirror site, he now runs a fairly recent unofficial CVSup mirror.

Deciding he has a stable environment, the processing power, the network capacity and the storage capacity to run an official mirror, he mails the CVSup Mirror Site Coordinator who decides whether the mirror should become an official mirror or not.

In making this decision, the CVSup Mirror Site Coordinator has to determine whether that geographical area needs another mirror site, if the mirror administrator has the skills to run it reliably, if the network bandwidth is adequate and if the master server has the capacity to server another mirror.

If CVSup Mirror Site Coordinator decides that the mirror should become an official mirror, he obtains an authentication key from the mirror admin that he installs so the mirror admin can update the mirror from the master server.

Figure 6-3. Process summary: adding a CVSup mirror

When a CVSup mirror administrator of an unofficial mirror offers to become an official mirror site, the CVSup coordinator decides if another mirror is needed and if there is sufficient capacity to accommodate it. If so, an authorisation key is requested and the mirror is given access to the main distribution site and added to the list of official mirrors.

Tools used in this process:

Hats involved in this process:

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