FreeBSD 文件計畫入門書

FreeBSD 文件計劃

感謝您參與 FreeBSD 文件計劃(簡稱:FDP, FreeBSD Documentation Project),您的點滴貢獻,都相當寶貴。

本入手書內容包括:如何開始著手翻譯的各項細節,以及會用到的一些好用工具(包括:必備工具、輔助工具) ,以及文件計畫的宗旨。

本文件還在草稿,尚未完稿。未完成的章節,我們會在章節名稱旁邊加註『* 』以作識別。

Table of Contents
Shell 提示符號(Prompts)
1 概論
1.1 FreeBSD 文件的組成部分
1.2 在開工之前...
1.3 快速上手篇
2 工具
2.1 必備工具
2.1.1 軟體
2.1.2 DTD 及 Entity
2.1.3 樣式表(Stylesheets)
2.2 輔助工具
2.2.1 軟體
3 SGML Primer
3.1 簡介
3.2 Elements, tags, and attributes
3.2.1 For you to do...
3.3 The DOCTYPE declaration
3.3.1 Formal Public Identifiers (FPIs)
3.3.2 Alternatives to FPIs
3.4 Escaping back to SGML
3.5 註解
3.5.1 For you to do...
3.6 Entities
3.6.1 General Entities
3.6.2 Parameter entities
3.6.3 For you to do...
3.7 Using entities to include files
3.7.1 Using general entities to include files
3.7.2 Using parameter entities to include files
3.7.3 For you to do...
3.8 Marked sections
3.8.1 Marked section keywords
3.8.2 For you to do...
3.9 Conclusion
4 SGML Markup
4.1 HTML
4.1.1 Formal Public Identifier (FPI)
4.1.2 Sectional elements
4.1.3 Block elements
4.1.4 In-line elements
4.1.5 Links
4.2 DocBook
4.2.1 FreeBSD extensions
4.2.2 Formal Public Identifier (FPI)
4.2.3 Document structure
4.2.4 Block elements
4.2.5 In-line elements
4.2.6 Images
4.2.7 Links
5 * Stylesheets
5.1 * DSSSL
5.2 CSS
5.2.1 The Web site (HTML documents)
5.2.2 The DocBook documents
6 Structuring documents under doc/
6.1 The top level, doc/
6.2 The lang.encoding/ directories
6.3 Document specific information
6.3.1 The Handbook
7 The Documentation Build Process
7.1 The FreeBSD Documentation Build Toolset
7.2 Understanding Makefiles in the Documentation tree
7.2.1 Subdirectory Makefiles
7.2.2 Documentation Makefiles
7.3 FreeBSD Documentation Project make includes
8 建構 Website
8.1 事前準備
8.2 Build the web pages from scratch
8.3 在你的網頁伺服器上安裝網頁
8.4 環境變數
9 翻譯時的常見問題
10 文件的撰寫風格
10.1 Style guide
10.1.1 大小寫
10.1.2 縮寫字
10.1.3 縮排
10.1.4 Tag 風格
10.1.5 空白的更改
10.1.6 Nonbreaking space
10.2 詞彙表
11 Using sgml-mode with Emacs
12 他山之石
12.1 The FreeBSD Documentation Project
12.2 SGML
12.3 HTML
12.4 DocBook
12.5 The Linux Documentation Project
A. 範例
A.1 DocBook <book>
A.2 DocBook <article>
A.3 Producing formatted output
A.3.1 使用 Jade
List of Examples
1. 這是舉例說明
3-1. Using an element (start and end tags)
3-2. Using an element (start tag only)
3-3. Elements within elements; <em>
3-4. Using an element with an attribute
3-5. Single quotes around attributes
3-6. .profile, for sh(1) and bash(1) users
3-7. .cshrc, for csh(1) and tcsh(1) users
3-8. SGML generic comment
3-9. Erroneous SGML comments
3-10. Defining general entities
3-11. Defining parameter entities
3-12. Using general entities to include files
3-13. Using parameter entities to include files
3-14. Structure of a marked section
3-15. Using a CDATA marked section
3-16. Using INCLUDE and IGNORE in marked sections
3-17. Using a parameter entity to control a marked section
4-1. Normal HTML document structure
4-2. <h1>, <h2>, etc.
4-3. Bad ordering of <hn> elements
4-4. <p>
4-5. <blockquote>
4-6. <ul> and <ol>
4-7. Definition lists with <dl>
4-8. <pre>
4-9. Simple use of <table>
4-10. Using rowspan
4-11. Using colspan
4-12. Using rowspan and colspan together
4-13. <em> and <strong>
4-14. <b> and <i>
4-15. <tt>
4-16. <big>, <small>, and <font>
4-17. Using <a href="...">
4-18. Using <a name="...">
4-19. Linking to a named part of another document
4-20. Linking to a named part of the same document
4-21. Boilerplate <book> with <bookinfo>
4-22. Boilerplate <article> with <articleinfo>
4-23. A simple chapter
4-24. Empty chapters
4-25. Sections in chapters
4-26. <para>
4-27. <blockquote>
4-28. <warning>
4-29. <itemizedlist>, <orderedlist>, and <procedure>
4-30. <programlisting>
4-31. <co> and <calloutlist>
4-32. <informaltable>
4-33. Tables where frame="none"
4-34. <screen>, <prompt>, and <userinput>
4-35. <emphasis>
4-36. Quotations
4-37. Keys, mouse buttons, and combinations
4-38. Applications, commands, and options.
4-39. <filename>
4-40. <filename> tag with package role
4-41. <devicename>
4-42. <hostid> and roles
4-43. <username>
4-44. <maketarget> and <makevar>
4-45. <literal>
4-46. <replaceable>
4-47. <errorname>
4-48. id on chapters and sections
4-49. <anchor>
4-50. Using <xref>
4-51. Using <link>
4-52. <ulink>
A-1. DocBook <book>
A-2. DocBook <article>
A-3. 轉換 DocBook 為 HTML (完整模式)
A-4. 轉換 DocBook 為 HTML (章節模式)
A-5. 轉換 DocBook 為 Postscript(PS) 格式
A-6. 轉換 DocBook 為 PDF 格式


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關於本文件的問題,請洽詢 <>。